UX Inspiration on Instagram

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

Lately, I have been trying to limit my time on social media. I have found the impact of social media distracts me from doing the hobbies I love. In an effort to decrease the ongoing irresistible temptation to click the small gradient camera icon on my phone, I have deleted its presence.

However, in my time away, I have noticed one thing I miss is the UX inspiration (tips/tricks) I’ve found while mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram.

When I succumb to my cravings for the scroll, here are a few of the UX based profiles I like to visit.

  1. UXBrainy
I think UXBrainy has a great mix of UI inspiration and tips and tricks for a better design.

2. UXBucket

UXBucket always has interesting posts, and I feel like I learn something new every time I visit

3. ux_trends

This profile is full of UI inspiration

I am curious, Do you have any go-to Instagram UX accounts? Which ones?

